
Hold  Z / X / Space / Enter / Kp 5draw the bowstring
Releaselaunch bolt
Up / Down / W / S / Kp 8 / Kp 2upgrade selection

Little green game made for 7th annual Nokia 3310 Jam. Resolution of 84 x 48 pixels, 1 bit colour, monophonic beeps.

You control an enchanted semi-automatic ballista, the only weapon capable of piercing the skin of demons invulnerable to swords and arrows. Fend off growing waves of enemies, level up and prepare to face evil incarnate.

The fate of the entire realm depends on your success, Commander!

Programmer art: enotofil

Pixel art, fresh ideas, testing and support fire: Veksell

Resources used:  

Little Conquest font from Ikkle Font Pack by JackOatley

Trix Sound Pack by @Trix for SFX.

Krasno Sound Font 2 File by @Krasno for music.


Download 30 MB


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Really fun, and wonderful art style! Great job!